AKC Rally Obedience (Rally-O)
In rally obedience you and your dog work as a team side-by-side and navigate an obstacle course of 10-20 signs which include a variety of obedience exercises, turns, and interesting exercises. You are not permitted to touch the dog, but depending on the level you may be able to use verbal commands, clap your hands, pat your legs and use hand signs and praise to encourage your dog. Whether you train for fun or for show rally is a sport that is fun for both you an your dog, builds teamwork, and enhances obedience skills for at home and in public. Beginner levels are performed on leash and more advanced levels are performed off leash.
If you decide to earn titles on your dog you could perform at a dog show and would have to earn three qualifying scores under two different judges in order to earn a title. In addition there are now virtual titles that can be earned via recording and sending in videos to the AKC to be judged.
There are various titling levels to Rally-O which include:
Novice (RN)
Intermediate (RI)
Advanced (RA)
Excellent (RE)
Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE)
Master (RM)
Rally Championship (RACH)

Clay earned Highest Combined Triple Combined Score in Advanced B, Excellent B & Master on August 24, 2021 in Erie, PA under Judge Richard DiMarco.
Rally-FrEe, a sport by Rally Freestyle Elements (www.rallyfree.com), is a unique sport combining trick behaviors of Canine Musical Freestyle (dancing with your dog to music) with the format of Rally Obedience (performing exercises at signs on an obstacle course). It emphasizes the precise execution of fundamental freestyle and obedience skills while encouraging creative and novel behaviors on a rally obedience style course.
This sport promotes the use of positive-reinforcement training methods that strengthen teamwork and foster a reciprocal learning process between dog and handler.
Do you enjoy music and teaching your dog tricks and novel behaviors?
Do you strive for precision in obedience skills?
Do you want to strengthen the working relationship between you and your dog?
Are you looking for an enjoyable and supportive competitor experience?
Then give Rally-FrEe a try with me!
Compilation video example of Rally-FrEe novice, intermediate, and advanced runs!
Amee Abel & Solomon doing a qualifying novice run!
Dexter and Kelly doing an intermediate run with a perfect score of 200!